Elerian Banner The Elerian EmpireElerian Banner

Elerian Ambassador
Elerian Ambassador

Elerian Spy
Elerian Spy
Elerian Minister of Science
Elerian Minister of Science
The Elerian Warrior
The Elerian Warrior

The warrior castes of the Elerians are the only face most outsiders ever see. This humanoid society is matriarchal, and to date only females are allowed to join the military. Those who do are provided with the best possible training. Thus, Elerian ships gain a 20% defensive and 20% offensive bonus in combat. While the females fight, the all-male philosopher caste has developed incredible mental powers. Their meditations have produced remote knowledge of every system in the galaxy, and their telepathic powers are second to none. The Elerians' social structure is strengthened by a Feudal government in which only the warrior castes hold positions of power.

Mass Driver

Elerian Mass Driver


The Draconis Star System

Pleasure Dome

Elerian Pleasure Dome

Draconis Prime

Life on Draconis Prime

The Gnolam Ambassadors
The Gnolam Ambassadors

The Psilon Emperor
The Psilon Emperor

Sakkra King
The Sakkra King
Elerian Captial Building on Draconis Prime
Capital Building on Draconis Prime

Boycott MOO III
The Elerians will not be in Master of Orion III!

Audio: Elerian Theme

Audio: Battle for Draconis

Review of M002

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